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Member Spotlight: Karin Sorensen

Kathleen Morrow | Published on 4/29/2024

Where she’s from

Karin Sorensen, one of LWVJoCo Co-Vice Presidents, is originally from Chicago. She has lived in San Francisco, CA and Albuquerque, NM before landing in the Kansas City area in 2005, where she’s lived ever since.

About her family

Karin and her husband Scott have two daughters. One daughter, Dani, is 29 and lives in Brooklyn, NY. She works as an online political fund-raiser. Her other daughter, Taylor, is 26 and lives in Shawnee. She is the director of her local YMCA before and after school program.

Why she joined the League

Inspired by her then-boss Dr. Ann Sanders, Karin went to her first LWV meeting in 2010. That meeting,along with her decision to leave the mortgage business, led to her joining the League in 2021. Her instant rapport and admiration of Janet Milkowich, combined with her camaraderie with Patty Dykman, resulted in her decision to become Co Vice President.

What she thinks the League does well

Karin feels that our country is on the precipice of losing our democracy and sacrificing our children’s future. The League’s efforts to strengthen our country by reaching out to the community with voter registration, issue advocacy and education are important, well done and effective. 

Where she would like to see the League focus in the future 

Continuation and expansion of LWVJoCo voter registration and issue education is critical. We need to visit more schools and inspire the youth vote through efforts like “Voter Girl”, in which our other Co Vice President Patty Dykman has participated. Karin feels this focus on youth voter education is paramount to inspiring younger generations and will lead them to realize what a huge difference they can make. 

What she does to strengthen our democracy

Karin loves politics, and if she had it to do all over again would have majored in political science. She became fascinated with politics during the 1992 election and considers herself a “political junkie.” She searches out as much unfiltered news as she can and believes that our country needs to go back to the ease of political discourse so that we can at least try to see eye to eye and get things done. She participates in get out the vote efforts and plans to share her enthusiasm as one of LWVJoCo’s co-vice presidents. 

Fun Fact

Karin is a classic rock music history buff. She’s been to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame museum three times and absolutely loves boring her friends with random rock trivia.