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LWVJoCo elected officers and directors at the March 2, 2024 annual meeting.

To contact officers, directors, or committee chairs, use Contact Us on main menu.


Harry Bognich - President
Ruth Cain - President
Mary Estrada - President
Patty Dykman - Co-Vice President
Karin Sorensen - Co-Vice President
Harry Bognich - Secretary
Mary Lou Jaramillo - Treasurer

Board of Directors

Nancy Allen - Membership  Co-Chair
Tonya Simpson-Hines - Membership Co-Chair
Open - Communications Chair
Marie Hernandez - Voter Information Chair
Raquel Koser - Voter Registration Co-Chair
Melea Siebert
Melea Siebert - Voter Registration Co-Chair

Committee Chairs

Events Ellen Porter
Hospitality Lynn Hardy
Nominating Committee Patty Dykman
Lisa Knuke
Anne Stroud
Marie Hernandez
Janet Milkovich
Natural Resources Open
Observer Corps Eileen Marshall
Speakers Bureau Kathleen Morrow