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Member Spotlight: Victoria Smith

Kathleen Morrow | Published on 8/5/2020

Where she’s from
Victoria grew up in McPherson, Kansas. After receiving a B.A. in financial planning from K-State, she moved to  Overland Park in 2008. She then completed her master’s degree in conflict and dispute resolution from Baker University.

About her family

Victoria’s parents and her brother live in McPherson. Her brother is getting married soon and a sister-in-law will be added to the family .

Why she joined the League
Victoria is an assistant manager with The RMR Group, a property management and investment firm. She joined the League to become more informed about current events and to join the effort to protect voting rights in Kansas and the United States. 

What she thinks the League does well

Victoria notes that the monthly programs focus on a variety of topics and are excellent. She thinks LWV JoCo’s efforts to register new citizens are well done and especially important. 

Where she would like to see the League focus in the future

Victoria believes that involving  more young people in our efforts is the best way to strengthen the League for the future. To keep up with the times, she feels we need to explore new ways to communicate with young people. She is now part of a League group working on developing new, more casual activities and venues for LWV efforts.

What she does to strengthen our democracy
Victoria always votes and often contacts her state and federal representatives on issues and legislation. She also is on the board of directors of an organization that  works with local municipalities 

Fun fact
She LOVES to take photographs. The walls of her house are covered with photos and are a diary of many outings and events. Her most recent photo collection is of a trip to Alaska.

How she is coping with the COVID-19 pandemic
Victoria notes that the coronavirus has and will continue to change everyone’s life. She works alone two to three days a week in the office and her partner works the other days. The office door is locked and they observe social distancing and wear masks when people come in. Her philosophy is to do the best she can and take one day at a time. (Good advice for us all!)