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Presidential Update November 2020

Amber Stenger and Ellen Miller | Published on 11/2/2020

GOTV: Leaguers Again Go The Extra Mile

Our #1 JoCo priority this year? Get Out The Vote (GOTV)!  In September, we listed where our Leaguers set records (October VOTER, "Members Sign Up, Pitch In") In October, even more laced up their running shoes and helped voters.  

The GOTV score since March? 

🗳️ Two Souls to the Polls Car Caravans in which 100+ people drove 140 cars through low-turnout Wyandotte County precincts having 7,135 registered voters.

🗳️ 162 volunteers staffed 26 voter registration events at colleges, high schools, YMCAs and farmers markets.

🗳️ 420 unregistered youth ages 18-23 in Johnson County received handwritten postcards three different times in October, urging them to register, then to vote.

🗳️ Over 4000 “Raise your Voice: Vote!” posters, Spanish-language door hangers, flyers and cards were distributed at libraries, businesses and schools/colleges in Johnson and Wyandotte counties.

🗳️ Voter2Voter’s19 ambassadors contacted 273 would-be voters. 43% are low propensity; half of that group requested mail in ballots. There are seven V2V League teams across Kansas.

🗳️ Three candidate forums co-sponsored by the Mainstream Coalition and other partners drew 272 participants at the live events. Afterwards, LWVJoCo’s YouTube channel had nearly 400 views.

🗳️ Thirteen national and local print and TV/radio media mentions, articles or interviews of Souls to the Polls and/or LWVJoCo GOTV efforts, including CNN’s interview of Ann Sanders.

🗳️ More than 27,000 people saw our pro-voting Facebook, Instagram and Twitter posts in October alone.

🗳️ 66 volunteers worked 500 hours at the Johnson County Election Office helping them process thousands of mail-in ballots.

🗳️ LWVJoCo collaborated with many partners, including the Johnson County Latina Leadership Network, Advocacy and Awareness Group: Johnson County,ACLU Kansas, DotteVotes, Mainstream Coalition, NE Johnson County Chamber of Commerce, Baptist Minister’s Union, Collaborative Communications, Kansas City (KS) Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc., KCK NAACP Branch and Servicing LIPPS.

In 2020, with many partners, we’ve helped voters on new frontiers. Yes, there were rough spots; learning to use Zoom wasn’t simple. But during the past seven months, our members have donated hundreds of hours to protect each voter’s constitutional right to cast a ballot.  

Regardless of who wins or loses, we played a small role in the largest voter turnout in American history. Leaguers, thank you for moving our voter commitment to a new level!