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Member Spotlight: Jennifer Day

Kathleen Morrow | Published on 5/30/2023

Where She’s From

Jennifer is originally from Los Angeles.  The youngest of 5 children (she’s a twin), she grew up in the San Bernadino mountains and Orange County. She graduated from Pepperdine University and moved to Johnson County, Kansas in 1996. Although her siblings settled in Los Angeles, Orange County, and Washington state, Jennifer chose to move to Overland Park because of its affordability.

Why She Joined LWVJoCo

Jennifer joined the League  2017. After attending several LWVJoCo Legislative Coffees, the Centennial Celebration and volunteering as an election worker, she knew that the organization was a place where she could implement her activist ideals.

In 2020 she was appointed to represent District 48 in the Kansas House of Representatives to complete the term of Representative David Benson. She was the first female Democrat to hold the seat. Although, because she moved out of the district in 2021 and had to resign her position, she hopes to run for the Kansas House of  Representatives again sometime in the future.

What She Thinks the League Does Well

Describing the LWVJoCo as a “well oiled machine” Jennifer is impressed with several aspects of the League. She notes that committees have strong leadership and accomplish the League’s efforts in Johnson County. Interesting and varied programs are presented in a business-like manner. Members receive timely and relevant information regarding community issues and opportunities for action.

Where would you like to see the League focus in the future

The League should work on connecting more with young voters, helping to give them confidence as they vote in all elections. She notes that she loves to work elections, and finds the act of aiding voters as they participate in our democracy a very satisfying way to spend a day!

Fun Fact

Double cuteness! Which one is Jennifer?

Answer: Even Jennifer is not certain! She thinks she is on the left.