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Presidential Update March 2024

Janet Milkovich | Published on 2/26/2024

Spring is in the air and officially arrives on March 19 which is the Presidential Preference Primary. Those who attended or watched our February program on our YouTube channel better understand the significance of this primary. We challenge you to share that information with 5 people and encourage them to vote!

As spring arrives, my third term on the LWVJoCo Board of Directors comes to an end. I remember feeling so honored when I was asked to serve as Vice President 3 years ago. And what a great year that was! My network of friends grew exponentially as we planned programs and my understanding of the community expanded as well. It was gratifying to work with knowledgeable leaders on topics of importance to our community. 

Being elected president was the thrill of a lifetime! Empowered to speak on behalf of our members on issues of importance to the League was energizing and fun. Interviews with TV broadcasters, radio personalities and blogs were humbling because sometimes I hit the mark and sometimes I didn’t, but either way I conveyed the message that our League exists to empower voters and defend democracy. Collaborating with board members was enlightening!

This second year of my presidency I had the pleasure of sharing responsibilities with Connie Taylor. She is such a great encourager and support, and she has a laser focus on the issues. Trust me, she is primed and ready to lead LWVJoCo for the next term!

I am very proud of the work we accomplished together these past three years. One of the biggest lessons I learned was that League members are in the trenches, volunteering rain or shine, encouraging citizens to register to vote and to cast a ballot. Teaching them about the issues and what is on the ballot. Giving them opportunities to meet the candidates and elected officials and establish relationships with them. Hopefully the Kansas Supreme Court will soon rule that it is legal for League members to once again register people to vote and we will be out in force doing just that!

I would like to extend my sincere thanks to each League member and board member for allowing me to be at the helm of an organization as passionate and powerful as this one. It has been a pleasure.


Janet Milkovich